Faculté de biologie et de médecine - Wiki - Informatique

IT projects

IT project development at FBM aims to propose new solutions or to improve the quality of the existing services to expand the offer of the FBM IT Platform and to meet the needs of the users of the Faculty. The FBM IT Service's methodology is based on different methodologies but adapted to its team's needs. The project portfolio is reevaluated at the end of each year by the manager of the FBM IT Service, who defines the priorities and allocate resources.

You will find the main projects for the current year in the list below:

Automated device management

Objective Automated inventory and management of devices.
Description Developed by the UNIL's IT Center, this project aims to define a device management tool (automated inventory and software distribution). As a stakeholder, the FBM IT Service will participate in the drafting of the specifications and will be involved in the testing.
Target audience - FBM Users
- IT managers
Status Interrupted


Objective Improving the management of FBM services and servers.
Description This project aims to implement Docker in order to improve the management of services and applications.
Target audience - FBM IT infrastructure manager
Status Interrupted

Instrument inventory and management

Objective Make an inventory of all FBM instruments and facilitate the management by the owners.
Description This project aims to develop a web interface to list all the instruments of the departments and to allows the owners to manage the equipments.
Target audience - Instrument's owners
- IT managers
Status On going (implementation)


If you have any question or request about IT project management, please contact the FBM IT Service.

Service Informatique FBM - Rue du Bugnon 21 - CH-1011 Lausanne - Tél. +41 21 692 50 94