Faculté de biologie et de médecine - Wiki - Informatique


Using the resources of the IT Center of UNIL (Ci), the FBM IT Service provides various servers.

Internet services / Intranet (wwwfbm.unil.ch)

Thanks to our web services, we can offer the community many tools to facilitate daily work:

  • administrative intranet of the FBM (IAFBM);
  • online survey tool (LimeSurvey);
  • reservation system of rooms and scientific setups (FBM Calendar);
  • loan system of IT resources available in the departments (FBM loan system);
  • inventory of scientific instruments in the departments (FBM setups);
  • institutionalized and personalized web space.

Sharing of printing services (fbmprint.unil.ch)

To facilitate the printing from a Windows environment, all the printers (excepted PrintUNIL printers) are shared via a central server.


For the sharing of other applications, please contact the IT Support of the FBM.

Service Informatique FBM - Rue du Bugnon 21 - CH-1011 Lausanne - Tél. +41 21 692 50 94