Shagun Poddar
Post-doctoral fellow

Shagun obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences in 2019 from CSIR-IGIB in India. Her project was focused on studying the epigenetic regulation of microRNAs in skeletal muscles during diabetes. In 2020, She joined as a postdoctoral researcher at SBP medical discovery institute in San Diego, CA (US) to understand the epigenetic mechanism involved in regulating the 3D genomic architecture during skeletal muscle development. She has joined Dr. Regazzi's group as a postdoctoral fellow in July 2022 to investigate the role of small noncoding RNAs during the pathogenesis of diabetes.

Shagun Poddar
Research group of Romano Regazzi

DNF, rue du Bugnon 9 - 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T: +41 21 692 52 81

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