Table of Contents



Name Version
System Windows/OSX
Application Zoom


Zoom is an application that allows videoconferences with members of UNIL and external people. It is mainly used for distance teaching but also for one-time events (thesis defence, virtual seminars, etc.) and for some PAT meetings. Here are the main features of Zoom:


Registration and connection

Zoom is available to UNIL collaborators, UNIL students and external people of UNIL.

To register and validate your account, go to and choose Sign In : Configure you account. ☛ Register to Zoom (fr)

When you want to use Zoom to organize, programm ou join a meeting, go first to and log in by clickling on Sign In : Configure you account. ☛ Connection to Zoom (fr)

Registration and connection to Zoom in video

Installation and use of Zoom

It is not necessary to be on the UNIL network (wired or connected through the VPN if you are working from oustide of UNIL) to use Zoom. Only an stable internet connection is required.

For more comfort, downloed the Zoom client from the following page

Audio and video settings

To get the most out of Zoom, take the time to configure audio and video. ☛ Microphone and Webcam

Configuring audio and video sources on Zoom in video

Documentation of use

Organization of meetings

Before you organize a meeting, log in on the following page Then you can organize your meeting in two ways:

Proposing meetings on ZOOM in video

Joining a meeting

Before joining a meeting, log in to the following page To join a meeting, copy and paste the invitation link you received in the Google Chrome web browser. A window will open and ask you to open the link with the Zoom application client installed locally on your computer. If you don't have Zoom, you can also join the meeting with the Google Chrome web browser. ☛ Joining a metting

Joining meetings on ZOOM in video

Discussing during the meeting

During a meeting, you can send a message to any or all of the meeting participants by using the Zoom chat. ☛ Chat and participants

Screen sharing during a meeting

During a meeting, you can share your screen with the participants. ☛ Screen sharing

Screen sharing on Zoom in video

Zoom scheduling privilege

You can delegate the organisation of your Zoom meetings to someone who uses the same licence (e.g. UNIL licence) as you. ☛ Zoom delagation (fr)

Help and documentation

In case of problems when using the Zoom application, please contact FBM IT support ( or 50 94).

For an advanced use of Zoom, you can also consult the documentation of the Centre de Soutien à l'Enseignement (CSE):