====== Tim starts his work at the FBM ======
Tim is a biologist and begins a PhD at the FBM in the research group of Prof. Hawking. On his first day of work, the Prof. Hawking presents his workstation provided and installed by the FBM IT department. Tim is looking for more informations about IT management at the FBM.
====Tim is looking for informations====
After [[https://id.unil.ch/activer?execution=e1s1|activating his access]], Tim opens a browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.) and clicks on the bookmark //FBM Informatique//. This shortcut allows him to access to the [[en:start|FBM IT Service site]] where he can find the [[en:public:organisation:reglement_et_directive:charte|FBM IT Charter]] and all the help he needs. Tim searches:
* The {{fr:technique:modes_d_emploi:manuel:manuel_en.pdf|FBM computer guide}}, which summarizes the main computer services available at the faculty,
* The [[en:administratif:organisation:general:personnes|contact information]] of the IT manager of his department,
* A description of the [[en:technique:knowledge_base:fbm_utility:programme_fbm_utility|FBM Utility application]], which allows him to use FBM computer support and install a printer on its windows computer with few clicks.
==== Tim wants to communicate by e-mail ====
Before Tim can use his UNIL mailbox, he configures his email client. UNIL does not allow Tim to transfer large files (more than 30 MB) by e-mail. To circumvent this restriction, Tim uses the [[en:technique:knowledge_base:switch:utilisation_de_switchfilesender|SWITCHFileSender]] service, which allows sending attachments up to 50GB.
To send his message to all the members of his department, Tim sends his e-mail to the appropriate [[https://sympa.unil.ch/sympa/lists/faculte/fbm|FBM distribution list]] (please log in).
==== Tim wants to save his search data ====
Tim has done analyzes for his thesis and wants to save his data in a secure way. Upon the request of his group leader, the [[https://www.unil.ch/ci/en/home/menuinst/calcul--soutien-recherche.html|Scientific computing and research support unit (DCSR)]] of UNIL opens a project directory on the [[en:public:services:stockage#research_data_management|storage server dedicated to research]].
==== Tim wants to print documents ====
To print a scientific article from his Windows computer, John [[en:technique:knowledge_base:imprimantes_scanners:installer_imprimante_avec_fbm_utility|installs a printer with FBM Utility]]. The computer correspondent in his department helps him install the printers he wants to use on his Mac laptop.
==== Tim wants to use the UNIL Wifi ====
Tim has a laptop and wants to use the Wifi of the UNIL. When he is on the UNIL campus, Tim uses the [[en:public:documentation:wifi#pour_les_utilisateurs_unil_a_l_unil|Eduroam]] network, which allows him to access all the resources of the UNIL. Eduroam is also available in other universities (EPFL, CHUV, etc.) or public places (railway station, Geneva airport, etc.) in Switzerland and abroad ([[https://eduroam.org/where/|Where can I Eduroam?]]).
==== Tim is working from home ====
Tim manages his laboratory mice with [[https://pyrat.unil.ch/pyrat/cgi-bin/login.py|PyRAT software]]. When he is working at home or on the way, he accesses the FBM computing resources and his data on NAS with [[fr:public:documentation:vpn|Ivanti Secure (VPN)]]. This secure access allows him to work from outside UNIL as if he were at UNIL.
==== Tim wants to collaborate anb communicate with others colleagues ====
To facilitate daily communication, the Tim's colleagues use [[en:technique:knowledge_base:microsoft_teams:microsoft_teams|Microsoft Teams]]. With this software, they can chat together, and make audio or video calls with anyone at UNIL. Tim participates in the weekly group meeting scheduled on Teams.
When researchers from outside UNIL need to attend online seminars organised by Tim's research department, Tim programms a videoconference with [[en:technique:knowledge_base:zoom:zoom|Zoom]] and invites external participants by e-mail.
==== Tim wants to send a survey and share informations ====
Tim is in charge of organizing a seminar. To find out how many people will participate, Tim is creating an online survey on [[fr:technique:knowledge_base:limesurvey:limesurvey|LimeSurvey]]. For organizational reasons, Tim decides to disseminate the information of the seminar on a small website and requests the opening of a [[en:public:services:applications_fbm#dokuwiki|personalized wiki]] to the [[en:administratif:organisation:general:personnes|IT manager]] of his department.
==== Tim get an IT problem ====
When Tim has a computer question and can not find the information, he can contact the FBM's computer support (50 94 or ). The latter will do everything possible to find a solution to his problem. If the IT manager can not physically access Tim’s computer, Tim can start [[en:technique:knowledge_base:vnc:real_vnc_app|Real VNC]] app so that the FBM IT Support may help him and troubleshoot his computer remotely.
===== References ====
**Author** : NOVERRAZ Mathieu
Illustrations: flaticon.com - communication FBM, madebyoliver, roundicons, freepik