====== Sending a file via SWITCHfilesender====== =====Products ==== |< 400px 200px 200px 200px >| | ^ Name ^ Version ^ ^ System | All | | ^ Application | Web Browser | Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc| ===== Description ===== SWITCHfilesender allows you to share a large file during a **maximum of 20 days** with other UNIL or external users using the Cloud of SWITCH. You can access SWITCHfileSender on the UNIL network but also on your private home network. With SWITCHfileSender you can : * Send a large file up to 50 GB at a time (a ZIP file archive is equivalent to one file) * Send a file to a maximum of 100 e-mail recipients * [[en:technique:knowledge_base:switch:inviter_une_personne_sur_switchfilesender|Allow an external user to send a file to other people]] on SWITCHfilesender (single use) * Set the validity period storage on the Cloud for a file up to 20 days (every file is deleted after 20 days) **FileSender __is not__ a storage service.** If you can’t share files more than 2 GB, please update your browser. ===== Sending a file ===== ++++ Video tutorial | ☞ (Double-click video to enlarge)\\ {{:fr:technique:knowledge_base:switch:switchfilesender_send.mp4|Video tutorial}} ++++ * Go to https://filesender.switch.ch/ and click on **Connexion**. \\ {{:fr:technique:knowledge_base:switch:utilisation_de_switchfilesender:switch_connexion.png?direct&450|}} * Select **Université de Lausanne** in the list. Enter your UNIL **username** and **password** and log in. \\ {{fr:technique:knowledge_base:switch:utilisation_de_switchfilesender:switch_identification.png?direct&300|}} * In the new window, enter the following informations: - The **E-mail address of your recipient** (if you want to send your file to more than one user, separate the addresses by commas or semicolons). \\ **__Tip - Sending your file to a distribution list__**\\ If you want to send a file to a distribution list, we recommend you to send the automatic SWITCHfilesender message to yourself by entering your personal e-mail address in this field. Then **get the download link and copy/paste it in the original message you want to send to the distribution list**. - The **subject of the e-mail**, - A **description of the file**, - The **expiration date** (the default value is 20 days, but you can change it). - Select the file you want to send (to send multiple files at the same time, save them in a zip folder first). - Check the **terms and condition**, - Click on **Envoyer**.  \\ {{:fr:technique:knowledge_base:switch:utilisation_de_switchfilesender:switch_envoi_fichier.png?direct&300|}} * You will get a copy of the E-mail which will be sent to every recipient. Every time the file will be downloaded by one of your recipients, you will get a second E-mail. See below : \\ {{fr:technique:knowledge_base:switch:utilisation_de_switchfilesender:switch_mail.png?direct&300|}} * The recipient will get an E-mail containing the download link. \\ {{fr:technique:knowledge_base:switch:utilisation_de_switchfilesender:switch_telechargement.png?direct&300|}} ===== Files management ===== * You can manage your files from SWITCHfileSender’s Web interface. Click on **Menu** and then on **Mes fichiers**. From this page, you can : * See who has already downloaded the file. * Send again an E-mail to somebody if the expiration date is near. * Withdraw access to the file. * Allow a new person to access your file. \\ {{fr:technique:knowledge_base:switch:utilisation_de_switchfilesender:switch_menu.png?direct&300|}} {{tag>switch email partage document}}{{tag>wbonvin}}