====== FBM applications ====== ==== Description ==== The [[en:public:organisation:si|FBM IT Service]] provides web applications to the FBM community, which can facilitate the daily work. Those services are available only after authentication. ==== FBM booking calendar ==== [[https://wwwfbm.unil.ch/calendar/|{{fr:public:services:applications_fbm:appfbm.png??70}}]] The booking calendar allows users of the partner departments to **book rooms and shared resources** (setups, animal facilities, etc.) available in their department. If you want to add, delete or change any resource or equipment in the booking calendar, please send your request to [[supportfbm@unil.ch]].\\ You can refer to the documentation of the booking calendar [[en:public:documentation:logiciels_applications_fbm:fbm_calendar|here]]. ==== Laptops and accessories loan ==== [[https://wwwfbm.unil.ch/prets/messages/catalogue|{{fr:public:services:applications_fbm:appfbm.png??70}}]] The loan catalogue allows users of the partner departments **to consult the IT resources** (computer, wireless presenter, adapter, charger, etc.) available in their department and to apply for a loan to the FBM IT Service. ==== FBM Setups ==== [[https://wwwfbm.unil.ch/setups|{{fr:public:services:applications_fbm:appfbm.png??70}}]] The FBM setup management application is a **catalogue of scientific instruments** available in the FBM departments and that is managed by instrument owners. ==== LimeSurvey ==== [[https://wwwfbm.unil.ch/sondage/admin|{{fr:public:services:applications_fbm:limesurvey.png??70}}]] On request, the FBM IT Service provides the LimeSurvey application that allows users **to create online surveys**. This service is not open to students (bachelor and master), except in exceptional cases. A small training is delivered by the IT Service as soon as your account is open. If you want to open a new LimeSurvey account, please complete the following [[https://www2.unil.ch/ci/forms_otrs/limesurvey/acces_limesurvey.php|online request survey]].\\ You can refer to the documentation of LimeSurvey [[en:public:documentation:logiciels_applications_fbm:limesurvey|here]]. ==== IAFBM ==== [[https://wwwfbm.unil.ch/iafbm/|{{fr:public:services:applications_fbm:appfbm.png??70}}]] IAFBM is the **administrative intranet of the FBM**. The access and the use of this application is limited to [[https://www.unil.ch/fbm/fr/home/menuinst/la-releve-academique.html|FBM young academics]] which is in charge of the dossiers of the people who are part of the teaching staff or want to start an academic career at the FBM. ==== Arrivals ==== [[https://wwwfbm.unil.ch/arrivals/|{{fr:public:services:applications_fbm:appfbm.png??70}}]] The Arrivals application is used by the secretariats to **inform the local IT managers about the arrivals and departures of collaborator in the FBM departments**. The access and the use of this application is limited to the people responsible for the HR in the departments. ==== Contact ==== If you have any question about those services, please contact the [[en:public:services:support|IT support of the FBM]]. ~~NOTOC~~