====== IT Management Plan of the FBM (PFBM) ====== ==== Description and objectives ==== IT is a complex cross-cutting rapidly evolving field which has a direct influence on the fulfillment of the objectives of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM), which affects most activities. To control its global dimension, it appears necessary to strengthen the collaboration between the different departments. Pooling of resources, exchange of information, sharing of knowledge and standardization of procedures are a way to join forces and to work more effectively in order to meet the needs of increasingly demanding and diverse users. This common IT strategy must be framed by principles and rules to be operational. It follows the **IT Management Plan of the FBM (PFBM)**, an initiative of the FBM IT Platform, whose objective to federate the IT organization of our faculty and to propose academics solution according to the needs of each user. The objectives of the IT Management Plan of the PFBM are: * To provide a common IT infrastructure (based on the resources of UNIL's IT Center); * To standardize the management of the academic IT equipment; * To develop common basic rules of use, which can be extensible by unity and adjusted according to the particular needs of each one; * To encourage dialogue between IT teams (knowledge sharing and problems solving) and to promote coordination between them; * To solve the IT problems of users; ==== Members ==== The following departments or units have currently signed the Membership and Support Agreement for the FBM IT Platform. They support the development and participate in the implementation of the FBM IT Management Plan: ==== Members ==== The following departments or units are actually members of IT program: *Deanship of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (DEC), *[[http://www.unil.ch/ecoledemedecine/home.html|School of Medicine (EM)]], *[[http://www.unil.ch/ib/home.html|Department of Immunobiology (DIB)]], *[[http://www.unil.ch/dnf/home.html|Department of Fundamental Neurosciences (DNF)]], *[[http://www.unil.ch/dof/home.html|Department of Oncology (DO)]]. * [[https://www.unil.ch/dsb/en/home.html|Department of Biomedical Sciences (DBS)]] ==== Documentation ==== The IT Management Plan of the FBM includes a set of [[en:public:organisation:reglement_et_directive|documents, basic principles and rules]] to guide policy and the IT organization of the FBM. ~~NOTOC~~