====== Printers ====== Every department manages its own printers (black and white and color printers) and supplies. To facilitate the printing from a Windows environment, all the printers are shared via a central server. *[[en:technique:knowledge_base:imprimantes_scanners:liste_des_imprimantes|FBM printers list]] ==== Installation ==== |< 100% 50% 50% >| ^ UNIL computer ^ CHUV computer ^ | {{:fr:public:documentation:emails:logo_unil.png?120&nolink}}\\ **Windows**\\ You can install a printer with on click by using [[en:technique:knowledge_base:fbm_utility:programme_fbm_utility|FBM Utility]]. \\ \\ [[en:technique:knowledge_base:imprimantes_scanners:installer_imprimante_avec_fbm_utility|Installing printers (Windows only)]]\\ \\ **Mac**\\ The development of a solution to easily install UNIL printers on Mac workstations is in progress. In the meantime, please contact [[en:public:services:support|FBM IT support]] to install a printer on your computer.\\ \\ **PrintUNIL**\\ Regarding PrintUNIL printers, please refer to the following documentation:\\ [[https://wiki.unil.ch/ci/books/impression-unifi%C3%A9e-printunil/chapter/doc-publique|PrintUNIL]]\\ [[fr:technique:knowledge_base:imprimantes_scanners:enregistrer_badge_chuv_sur_imprimante_printunil|How to register on PrintUNIL with a CHUV card]] (fr) | {{:fr:public:documentation:emails:logo_chuv.png?205&nolink}}\\ **Windows**\\ [[en:technique:knowledge_base:imprimantes_scanners:liste_des_imprimantes|Some UNIL printers]] in different departments may also be installed on CHUV computers. To do this, please refer to the Management of applicative printers documentation of the CHUV Service Desk.\\ \\ [[https://intranet.chuv.ch/host_tribu.intranet.chuv/content-28.04.2017_09_34.pdf|Management of applicative printers]] (fr) | ==== Poster ==== Posters are printed by the UNIL's reprography. For more information, please refer to the [[https://wiki.unil.ch/ci/books/la-repro|documentation of UNIL's IT Center (Ci)]]. * [[https://repro.unil.ch/|Repro's webshop]] ==== Contact ==== If there is a problem with the FBM printers, please contact the [[en:administratif:organisation:general:personnes|IT manager of your department]]. ~~NOTOC~~