====== Adding a private computer to the UNIL's inventory ====== When the unit for which you work **is unable** to provide you with the equipment you need to carry out your activities at UNIL, you can request that a private machine be added to the UNIL inventory. This service, administered by the [[en:public:organisation:si|FBM IT Service]], is subject to conditions (([[https://www.unil.ch/files/live/sites/unil/files/02-universite/0212-cadres-legal-reglementaire/textes-leg/6-inf/dir6-6-equip-informatique.pdf|Directive de la Direction 6.6 Equipement informatique, Chap. 4 Utilisation professionnelle de machines privées]])) and internal rules defined by the IT Purchase Center. Please [[fr:public:services:support|contact us]] for this procedure. Once your computer is registered in the UNIL inventory, you retain ownership of it and are responsible for any costs incurred in the event of a breakdown. * [[en:administratif:reglements_et_directives:prestation_equipement_si|Services by type of equipment]] (summary table) When a private machine added to the inventory is out of use or is no longer being used for professional purposes, its owner must notify the FBM IT Service, which will relay this information to the UNIL IT Center. ==== Documentation ==== For more information, please refer to [[https://www.unil.ch/unil/en/home/menuinst/universite/cadre-legal-et-reglementaire/directives-internes-de-lunil.html#informatique|internal directives of the University of Lausanne]]: * [[https://www.unil.ch/files/live/sites/ci/files/shared/formulaires/proc_CA_ordiprives2013.pdf|Annex to the Directive 6.6 (Professional use of private computer)]] (fr) * [[https://www.unil.ch/ci/fr/home/menuinst/catalogue-de-services/materiel-et-logiciel/inventaire-materiel-informatique/documentation.html|Documentation regarding private computer added to the UNIL inventory]]