Valentina Cerrato
Collaboratrice scientifique externe

Valentina did her Bachelor and Master degree in Biotechnology at the University of Turin, in Italy. There, she also obtained her PhD in Neuroscience, working in Annalisa Buffo’s laboratory to study the ontogenesis of astrocytes diversity in the cerebellum. She is currently a junior post-doctoral fellow in the same laboratory, interested in understanding the key processes underlying the mechanisms of astrocytes generation in both mouse and human cerebella. She is presently in Ludovic Telley’s Lab in a collaborative project in which she will analyze transcriptomic data to characterize astrocyte embryonic and postnatal progenitors in mice cerebella and better understand the contiguity between cerebellar astrocyte and neuronal lineages.

Valentina Cerrato
Research group of Ludovic Telley

DNF, rue du Bugnon 9 - 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T : +41 (0)21 692 51 64

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