2020, September 29th - by Adrian Lo

A gallery with a different look at art

We visited the art gallery hosted by Mme Steffen where art pieces are exhibited from people diagnosed with autism. These art pieces are truly magnificent and breathtaking and copies can also be bought ! Every season, a new artist is put into the spotlight. We went to appreciate the work by David Joliat (website: that can be summarized as instantaneous 360 degrees views on the world around us. We enjoyed the introduction by Mme Steffen about the art gallery and the artist. Afterwards, We jumped from one art piece to the other, each time overwhelmed by their stunning beauty. To quote David Joliat: « Mon monde n’est que la somme de celui des autres. »


We cannot wait to see the next artist!


Click here to visit the art gallery’s website.

A gallery with a different look at art